One character on the show is Gary Bell, portrayed by actor Ryan Cartwright, is an autistic man in his 20's who's special ability is being able to see data in the thin air that is broadcast over wifi and G4 data streams.
Since this character is autistic he also has the ability to speak his mind without filters; sharing his own form of logic like Mr. Spock, but without all the condescension. Here are my favorite Gary quotes from the show:
“I don’t think you can get catharsis from words on a rock”
“No, hearts don’t really break. They can stop and they can leak, but they can’t really break. It gets tired and gives up after a while.
“I made that. With a label maker. We don’t have any “Top Secret” stickers so I made 200 of them.”
“It’s a no star hotel. There’s only one review. It says, ‘Don’t stay here.”
“ He calls her baby which is weird, because they're the same age.”
“I like humus. It’s all one color and it’s soft.”
“ Yeah, it was the government.. They killed him. That's what they do they're jerk-asses.. Dr. Rosen, I told you I tried to warn you.. When they stole my pudding.”
“My inside voice is too quiet!”
“I don’t like horses; they look confused.”
“Rachel, what's wrong? Oh, you look like one of the faces from my expressions chart - j-joyless.”
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