6 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba


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I think most people are so complacent in regards to their on-line privacy.  I am fully aware of how an on-line presence leaves one open for all sorts of bad things and that is why I chose to use the name, "Guy Whowritesthis" as my pen name for this blog and for my Facebook account.  I am basically anonymous, but with a little effort anyone can figure out who I am as many people have.

I was recently involved in a comment on a gun control issue on a Facebook post and one of the other people who commented demanded I give my real name.  I would never use my real name on Facebook and I question the sanity of anyone who does. I immediately checked out this person's Facebook account and came back with this reply: " I took a quick look at your Facebook page and you not only list your date of birth and where you are from, and when you went to high school and your husband's name and the names of your children. You are leaving yourself open for identity fraud. Do you really want that?"
One could easily mine the information she provided and be well on their way to identity theft which will be a lot harder to mop up after the fact.

Facebook is basically data collection service in which people volunteer the most intimate portions of their lives.  The funny thing is that a lot of gun owners who refuse to register their guns are giving freely giving all sorts of info on themselves to the Internet where just about anyone can see it.

I had another instance recently where a Facebook friend posted the date when he would be going on vacation.  I saw him after that post and asked if he had lost his mind.  He is a pretty well known person and I'm sure there are people that read his posts who could easily take advantage of his absence.  He told me that few people know where he lives, but I'm sure it a public record that is find-able in less than a few minutes on the Internet.

People, you need to start paying attention.  Are you setting yourself up for exposure that could ruin your life?  I know Facebook is fun and your intentions for setting up your account was so you could connect with people you know or have known in the past but in reality you are volunteering all your information for free.  Remember on Facebook you think you are getting a great free product, but in reality you are the product.

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