On Shabbat Re'eh 5771 the gabbi accidentally called upon the Cohen for the second aliya, oblivious to the fact that there was a Levi present. When we realized the Levi was there we debated whether to call him up or must the Cohen complete the aliya. What should we have done?
The Rashba discusses a similar question in his responsa[1], in which the same case occurred except for the fact that they realized the Levi was there only after the Cohen recited the bracha. The Rashba mentions two reasons that the Cohen should continue his aliya:
1) The Cohen has recited a bracha and lest it be a bracha l'vatala (unnecessary blessing) the Cohen should stay by the Torah.
The Shulchan Aruch[2] rules in accordance to the Rashba's logic and writes that when the Cohen already made the blessing the Levi is not to be called up.
It is clear from these sources that if the Cohen did not yet start the blessing (and saying 'barchu' is not considered starting) the Levi should be called up, and this is what the Mishnah Berura[3] explicitly rules.
As I did not remember this at the time, I asked the Levi to step outside and had the Cohen continue with the second aliya. I did this because the Talmud[4] tells us that a person's life may be shortened if he is called up to the Torah and does not go. I figured that when in doubt we must look out for our Cohen and make sure he is not cursed.
Although sending out the Levi is not in accordance with the bottom line halacha, the fundamental idea is the same: trying to avoid a situation in which a Levi's status will be questioned. Either way, no serious damage was done as this was not a bracha l'vatala.
May we have the privilege to learn halach intensively, extensively and in depth, and with the help of the Almighty may we always reach the correct conclusion.
[1] OC 1:229
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